Thoresby Woodland
Thoresby Park is covered by more than 1000 hectares of woodland. The woodlands include the large spreading oaks of Sherwood, colourful splashes of holly and rowan, deep dark areas of pine and avenues of majestic redwoods. We are proud to have a Special Area of Conservation with one of the densest coverings of ancient oak trees in the country, some of which are more than a thousand years old.
- More than 1000 hectares of woodland
- Home to many bird species including Great Spotted Woodpecker, Marsh Tit, Tawny Owl and Hawfinch
- 700ha used as grazing for our heritage livestock

Thoresby Sawmill
Do you need an oak feature beam? How about one cut from the heart of Sherwood Forest? Our sawmill cuts oak, red oak and beech as well as douglas fir, pine, cedar and larch from the estate. We carry a small stock of sawn timbers but can cut and supply timber to your specification.
We also supply a range of domestic and agricultural fencing materials, from posts and rails to six-foot panels.
Thoresby Firewood
The timber that cannot be processed in the sawmill is not wasted; we turn it into firewood to keep you warm on the darkest nights. Our responsibly sourced logs are barn dried and ready throughout the year to ensure that they are ready to burn when you need them.
We supply our logs by the pickup load or half pickup load deliver to the local area. We can also load your suitable vehicle or trailer.
If you want the satisfaction of cutting your own firewood, we can supply cordwood; 2.3m long lengths of hard wood, between 10cm and 40cm thick. This can again be delivered to the local area or collected on your suitable vehicle or trailer.